1. Overview
  2. R&D office
  3. Research Policy
  4. Consultancy Policy 2024 Download Annexure-I
  5. Code of Ethics
  6. Policy for Incentives to Teachers, Staff and Students
  7. Guidelines for sponsored and consultancy research projects
  8. Institutional Ethical Guidelines
  9. Animal Ethical Guidelines: Tezpur university follow the guidelines of Committee for Control and Supervision of Experiments on Animals (CCSEA). Link :
  10. Biosafety Guidelines
    Tezpur University follow the guidelines of the DBT Institutional Biosafety committee (IBSC) as given in the following link
  11. Sponsored Research Project
    1. Project received by TU during years 2015-2021 (as per the sanction order)
    2. Completed project during years 2015-2021
    3. Ongoing project during year 2015-2021
  12. Consultancy (Registered Projects)
  13. Ethics Committee-constitution and proceedings
    1. Ethical Committee
      1. Constitution
        1. Ethics Committee
        2. Notification 09.11.2023
        3. Notification 08.12.2020
        4. Notification 09.08.2016
      2. Proceedings
        1. 08.09.2021 Minutes TUEC
        2. 21.12.2020 Minutes TUEC
        3. 20.10.2017 Minutes of TUEC
        4. 09.02.2016 Minutes TUEC
      3. Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)
    2. Animal Ethical Committee
      1. Constitution
        1. Notification TUAEC 21.11.2019
      2. Proceedings
        1. Minutes TUEAC 10.05.2018
    3. Biosafety Committee
      1. Constitution
        1. Notification 07.10.2020
      2. Proceedings
        1. 27.08.2018 12th Meeting TUBC.pdf
        2. 13.10.2017 11th Meeting TUBC.pdf
        3. 10.03.2017 10th Meeting TUBC.pdf
  14. No. of recognized Research Supervisors of the University: 210
    1. All Research Supervisors (as on 30.6.21)
    2. List of faculty members recognized during 2016-17 to 2020-21
  15. News & Notification
    1. Notifications regarding quoting of Registration Numbers in all correspondences
    2. Notifications regarding Project Jobs









Tezpur University, Napaam, Sonitpur, Assam-784 028, INDIA [ © 2015 Tezpur University ]